Too many tests
Thursday, July 24, 2008
今天有history和数学测验. 休息时间在课室里打求, 很好玩, 但是打到鼻子, 现在还好痛! 我今天也换了位置, 坐ruiting 旁边了.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
今天早又下雨了. 老爸送我去学校 :)走路就好累. 早上我们庆祝racial harmony day. 其实也算是没什么, 好多人都穿着日本和韩国服装, 真实潇洒. 而我却穿了crescent传统衣服, 那就是校服呵呵...差不多全班的人都穿了校服. 现在上history课, 非常闷..下午又要练volleyball, 一定很累. 但是要打得好就要苦练, 所以不可以放弃.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Hello again :D I've finished chapter 30 of love monster ! Clarice, make sure Ashley brings the book you want, or I won't get the Twilight ! I'm so damn tempted to start reading eclipse. I really dunno what to post nowadays. School is always so normal, I guess. So, I will end it here. Super headache. Sorry .
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Yay ! Internet connection again ! Previously I wasn't able to blog. My dad got the whole computer to my mum's office. There was a slight problem, but I dunno what happened. Anyway, I finally got eclipse! After waiting for two whole months :D
Monday, July 14, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Just now was pbl presentation . Dhe whole class sitting dher doing nth loll . Just present infront of ms ang & mr m , damn scary , dhey were extremely fierce today . ok , maybe not very , but counted quite o.o dhe last group was about recycling . say got competition :D:D dhen also say can recycle anythn recycable . Pen jie was like , " ii throw dhe iron ball at dhem lahh ! " loll , no offence , she was just joking (((: During recess Pen jie go bribe Debbie ask stupid question . hahh !! damn funny can all of dhem were so hilarious . but fortunately ,, pbl is finally over and we can get to relax . ther's no pbl tmr too :D:D everybody can finally rest !! but ther's still one next year . just like 2.4 /: got to go ! Byes ! ♥ xingrui
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Changed skin again :/ Thanks to YenYi , And BitterChocolate From blogskins . com Its math now damn boring and th teacher very soft Her voice dha Genevieve very loll again :D She was like , when dhe eng teacher ask who like to be greeted very badly , dhen she was th only person to raise her hand damn funny :D:D we did sth very dumb during eng lesson very paisehh .. she ask us to go around , dhen say "Good morning. How are you today?" to like , 5 people . loll-ed , me , Ruiting , ashley just go ard blabbering like crazy :D dhen teacher ask us to say to five more peeps dhen we just go ard grabbing ppl's shoulders and laughing in their face hahahhs dhe third time we walk ard and stare at ppl damn funny ii tell uu dhen practised oral and read th super long sentence in one breath which consisted of 42 words ! say say until damn tired , dhen eng end listen to songs on handphone . and edit blog :D:D dhen ltr pbl practise at comm arts room it sucks lahh and today everybody was like asking about my chin and all ii said was , "flew off the bike siia" dhen that stupid jiasi say what chase boyfriend until fall ii almost strangled her o.o so if uu see her injured next time must be chase boyfriend until fall down Celeste came ! though only for awhile to attend math and she looks really cute :D got the zhong guo ren look now recess very boring dhey all saying shyt down , shyt down ! again , like damn alot of times . got to go ! Byes !
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Birthday Celebration
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Whee!! Today is Saturday.. Going to west coast park later around evening time. (:My aunt and cousin's birthday fall on the same day and then tomorrow we are going to east coast park to celebrate lao ba birthday! Whoo! And go cycling. lols. But very bored now, cos we are waiting for 5 oclock to come. we are only leaving the house at that time. Please don't rain!! There will be around 25++ people going, and they are all only from my mother's side. Crazy siia.. But cannot eat too much later, unless they force me lahh. Just water is fine, and plain too. So now my cousin wants to play com. Bye for now!! ♥ xingrui
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Hello hello!!!! :B:B Xingrui is back from school!! haha lolls :))) Today actually was quite relaxed, and guess what, for maths test I got full marks!! I can't believe it! Then dumb dumb there was pbl, the worst thing every thursday. But nevermind about that, because tomorrow is Youth Day celebration!! These three days I will be celebrating, celebrating and celebrating. Tomorrow, Youth Day, when we get to wear our own clothes :B. Saturday, Coco and my aunty's birthday and we will be going to West Coast Park for barbeque! Then sunday me, mei and daddy will be going out to celebrate our birthdays! (I've got all the presents ready already:D ) Shall we go East Coast Park to cycle? Iceskating? Go to the arcade at jec and play basketball like mad? Or maybe go grab a beer and get drunk? Loll nahh!! just joking :B The possibilities are never ending! lol today I've been using lots of exclamation marks, and I don't even know why?? I'm too happy, maybe. But after Sunday I must worry about oral already!! And all the teachers are different, we will be damn nervous siia. No mass run tomorrow!!! ( I bet you can imagine my face right now keke..) So gonna go chat at msn now! Ps..wish me good rest tonight, I won't be able to sleep, so these few days I will be china giant panda again!! byes people! I luve you all! ♥ XingRui
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Wednesday, July 2, 2008 I managed the 2.4..I passed!! I can't believe it. I was like, going to faint because of the weather. Tomorrow we have math test from chapters 1-6, which are, I can say, the hardest chapters in the book. so I have to again, study study study!
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
cme lesson
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Hi! Oh gosh. i haven't posted for a long long time. So sorry! Anyway, it rained today! I was so happy loll. Raining = no mass run Which made me so happy! Hmm, I may seem greedy but hope that tomorrow rains too :D (2.4, in case I blackout or something) Today's cme lesson made me realise something: I am anti-social. Well sort of. I don't speak to almost half of the class unless they speak to me. Pathetic, right. Let's not just talk about 1C3. Even in 6a, it's so different now. Everybody suddenly seem so mature, they all go to different sec schools, have new friends, some forget about the old ones. That sort of thing. And to just mix around with the girls in 6a, isn't so easy after all. I'm not being biased or what, but I think boys have better friendships. Reason 1: they don't get jealous over guys. Reason 2: They are more simple minded, unlike girls. Reason 3: They don't have girls' attitudes. Reason 4: They let bygones be bygones, unlike some girls. And when I say some girls, I don't mean anybody in particular, so don't get offended (to all those girls who think I dont like you but I dont actually think that way, so dont be paranoid) And the list goes on. Of course, I'm not saying that girls have all the bad stuff and guys have all those good. Both genders have their good and bad. So we should just try to replace the bad with good and the good with even better stuff. Get what i mean? For example, the same thing. Whenever we meet after we have left secondary school, girls hug. Farhanah hugs me too, but it just doesn't feel the same as before. Most people who have gone to secondary school change. And I mean alot. Maybe even to the extent that I don't even recognise them at all. Right, I might have heard of their names,but Really, I don't know them. Like acquaintances. Being with all the girls again during the class gathering, I feel so immature, while the others all have become "secondary school girls". I feel so young beside them. Not saying that they are all, I just feel childish, get it? Unless you have heard the chinese song my grandmother hears, then uh huh, I bet you don't get it. Now surprisingly, the only friends I feel i can really trust and those who wouldn't befriend you for money's sake, are Rui ying, lao ba and mei,erm, maybe josh (di) too. They are the only ones who truly understand me, or you can say, know me as the real me. (For goodness sake, what am I saying? cme lesson has driven me quite bonkers) I miss the time when we went to the chalet. Some may have forgotten, or simply dont bother to remember. I had the best time of my life there. We were awake for more than 24 hours! I went home and slept at about 3pm, woke up the next day at nine. And looked exactly like one of the giant pandas in china. Okay, maybe I should stop ( I don't want to sound naggy) Anyways, me, Felicia, Sarita, Florence and Phoebe went tiong today. Nothing much, just the usual stuff- neoprints and lots of food. Then we went home at about 4. Ooh did i mention, I am now rearing over 20 guppies at home. So cute. Actually there were alot more, but some died. Should I say quite a number of them died. For no reason. Then came back home and cooked dinner. Then the same cycle, sleep, pray that tomorrow will rain. Goodnight peeps! Sweet dreams! (And erm, forget what I said today) So yeah ♥ XingRui
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
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