Sunday, August 31, 2008
Oooh, love the font. Finally bear to change the skin. The last one was quite nice, I sorta decided to keep it. But then I came across this one and fell in love! You might consider this obscene, I don't know why, but I don't, okay? Yeah, whatever again. It's already 11:15PM. Yup, that is, if my clock is working fine. Guess what, my mum says that if I behave for a year, she's gonna give me a labrador!!! Live!!!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
I COMPLETELY don't know why I love posting random stuff. If I had the whole day, I'd write a book. Now watching Princess Diaries. Okay okay, looking out for Mandy Moore since I'd heard from Kajal that she was acting in it. Sadly, as the cheerleader. She's so much prettier than Anne Hathaway you know. She's so evil in the movie that I sorta hate her. And, her acting's really good. Like timid in A Walk to Remember, kinda girly in Because I Said So, and bitchy in Princess Diaries. Michael looks quite cute, actually. A bit like Joe Jonas. Whatever.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Last night I stayed over at my aunt's house. Really big, like two floors. And new, too. My cousin's room is like twice the size of mine, and her bed too. Now listening to Walk Me Home. This one's nice too. I seriously still can NOT believe we have two months of holiday! I mean, two whole months! I could just rot! Or maybe just go around the whole of Singapore. Perhaps I may be visiting California, or New Hampshire. Really cool, these places. Wish I were born there. It's really cool when you can say you live in like maybe, Los Angeles, California. Instead of boring old Singapore, Singapore, and more Singapore. Sorry no offence, but I just wish I was American or someone from the west. The english sucks here in Singapore. Gotta go mop the floor and wash the dishes later, so I'm lazing around for a while.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Finally at the chalet now after a nauseating ride from Queenstown. Ps, don't tell anyone but i am now using someone else's connection. It always appears wherever I go, dunno why. Stalker? Lol. Watching tv the same time. Hope it doesn't rain again. I won't be able to cycle or play volleyball then.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
It's saturday. Right. Gotta go for a party later at Pasir Ris. Maybe going to bike or something. But I'm NOT going to ride the two people bike again. Ever. I had two big bruises on my chin and my hand the last time I rode it.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Listening to Secret Love by Mandy Moore now. Beautiful song. Though I can say people who like fast songs wouldn't like this. Now it's playing a fast song, I don't know which. My favorite will still be Only Hope. From A Walk To Remember. It's a really sad story. About a girl who had leukemia and about a guy who fell in love with her. They got married in the end but she died three months after because of her failing health. It's very very sad. Even if you don't like tragedy stories, you can still watch it, cause it's got a couple of nice songs, even the christian song. What am I going to do? The chinese homework has to be passed up tomorrow and I have completely zero idea what it is. And it's going to be marked.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Back in class for pbl. Esther left early because she was kinda sick after lab. Really, the smell was quite sickening. It rained for almost the whole day and we had to walk the long way to get to the canteen. By the way, our reccess was only 15 minutes today because the science teacher let us off late. Again. Mr M is going through all the pbl websites and then we hear the song again. River flows in me. You know, I was the first person to play it because I saw it in Youtube and then everyone followed. It's damn frustrating when they forget about that person.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
History. Again. The history teacher came in before Mr Samuelson got out of class and started switching off all the lights.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
We were made to stay in class today because the sec 4s are having their prelims and obviously it's going to rain. It hasn't rained yet, but I don't think the clouds gathered for nothing. Aah..It's starting to drizzle as I type this post. The class is currently considered quiet, I think. At least nobody is screaming and running all over the room. Fortunately I managed to borrow the math workbook from Ashley's friend. Thanks! If I didn't, the math teacher'll probably kill me. It really sucks when I have to save battery for cca, so I can't use the laptop so often. Bye then.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
I just changed my skin again. Wanted something simpler and easier to read. Love the font. It's ten o'clock already. I should be in bed. But then, I just can't fall asleep. Something is troubling me, I don't know what. I'm going to charge my battery overnight again, which is obviously not good. It'll shorten the life of the battery. Okay, I think I'd better sleep now. Good night.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Yay we're having Computer lesson now. Actually, we were considered slacking the past few weeks because most of the groups were uploading their websites. Most were unsuccessful, even until now. Got a new haircut! But it's quite irritating in the morning. I need to blowdry the fringe so I don't look like a total retard. Sitting with Kajal and the rest of them now. For the first time I'm right up front in the computer lab. This morning the teacher, forgot his name, came into class to take us for pe. It totally sucked. We were made to stand for half the lesson. Ashley's hunting for blogskins now. And yeah, we were singing in class just now during chinese. No one heard beca were so damn soft. Fun! When we were walking to the lab, Ashley asked a really funny question. Does your class have six-pac? Haha, can see she's really interested in the opposite gender. Bye gotta go and work on the damned pbl.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
It's history again now, really boring. About India again. Hmph..feel like sleeping. Slept only like 4 hours yesterday. Why isn't anyone tagging? Have to finish math by today, plus the bag. Have two of them, actually. Short and random post. Dunno what to write about.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
MUAHHAAHA.. No mass run again! Everybody was already downstairs and it started drizzling! They were all screaming and laughing because it was raining. Then we went back to class again, and now I'm posting because I'm damn happy.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
I think I want my old skin back. After pbl, we went to the art room and realised there was no art club. Dang it. They didn't tell us earlier and made us waste so much time. Oh god, I flunked both History and Science by just a little. Okay, alot, for science. For history, it's a one mark to pass. And the second biggest stress is pbl, like usual. I can't get my mom to print because she's sorta on a long 'holiday' from work, and my STUPID PRINTER CANNOT PRINT! This is really driving me mad. All the awareness proposal and stuff. Gonna finish my math homework by today, so tomorrow I'll be free to slack. Bye
Thursday, August 21, 2008
English with Mr Samuelson is great. Now we are all asking questions and he is answering them. Then somebody, I dunno who it was, asked him what was it like when he first taught in England. He said it was actually quite bad. There was a student he had who just got out of jail. So our teacher asked him a question. That boy just leered at him, he said. Then his colleague told him not to ask that boy questions. Just some time ago another teacher got beaten up by him just asking him what his name was. Then Clarise asked him if he liked Michael Phelps. Everybody was laughing when he thought he heard if he liked microphones. Jia Yi accidentily blurted out that Michael Phelps has six pacs, and we laughed even louder. Oops, it's history now, Mr Tham just came in. Gotta go, bye.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Was writing my story for the whole of today except during math. This is actually the first time my writing continued for a chapter without any hiccups. It was fun, really. And adding in the humor was easier and more natural than expected. Played volleyball with my mum just now, for abouttwo hours. Really tired out now.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
There was no pe because the Mr whatever didn't come. Which is actually a good thing, considering the fact that he was going to make us run 10 rounds around the school. And I mean run. I think it will be math in another half hour. So I have lots of free time now. But my battery's going down really fast.. Have to save it for cs lesson. 95% left. Going to hunt for skins now, so it may be different before math starts.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Yay!! No mass run this morning. There was the lightning alert and we were told to stay in class. Whew.. I don't have to waste money and buy another peach tea. Hee hee.. a short post that I'm so damn happy. It's English now, and Mr. Samuelson is coming in. Really cool, he comes from Canada and has that American accent. this actually makes him quite difficult to communicate with him because our accent sucks. And those who try to fake an accent (which nobody has tried yeat), will turn out really fake. No offence.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
Can't believe it. My sis just extorted ten bucks from me. Won't tell you how she did it, but I'm just saying it's not fair. My life sucks. Really, my studies are getting worser, a stupid bug bit my face and it's gone all red, and my hair doesn't grow fast enough. Anyway, I think I'm just going to write fanfics again. You know, to emo out, and maybe contemplate on my terrible life. I'm so tired..Don't feel like going to school tomorrow. And see those you-know-whos again. You know who I mean. Not anyone from index 1 to 40. Uhuh, none of them. Just one weirdo whos spoiling my life even more. I ihave some cuts in my palms now for clenching my fist too tight during class to stop myself from standing up and screaming at that person. As in literally, I mean it. I really did clench my fist. and my teeth too, just that it's not so visible. UUGGGHHHH, and again I found out just now that Jasmine also got the whole series. My sis took ten from me, so I'll just have to starve for one extra week to get the books. Great. On a diet anyway, so doesn't really matters. Got to go and bathe now, it's eight already.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Life is unfair
I'm sorry sorry sorry SORRY! I haven't posted for so long!! Ican'tbelive it. It's already 2 weeks since I last posted. I realise I say the same things whenever I post. Ha ha, anyway, science sucked today. I cannot say the reason, in case I get found out. That's why I didn't add the school in my profile. It was so damn frustrating. My fist was clenched almost throughout the whole lesson. History was quite funny. The teacher showed us a movie which was a hit in the Indian community three years ago. Because we were studying the Indian caste at that time. Then there was a line that made everyone laugh. We were talking about the untouchables, by the way. There was one guy, he was of higher status, he put his hand on the lower class guy's shoulder. He was an untouchable. The women were like whispering, he just touched an untouchable! i DUNNO what's so funny, but laughed anyway. UGGGHH, MY STUPID PRINTER CANNOT PRINT!! Dang it, my scores turned out green and yellow, and I spent the hell of a time reading it. Not to mention playing. AGGHH, .. My gosh, Ash bought the whole Twilight saga. It's damn unfair. My dad says I have to use my own money, but Ashley gets HER dad to pay. What the heck. She bought New moon, Eclipse and breaking dawn, and everything cost like 57 dollars. And until now I begged my mum for two months and she finally got me Eclipse. DAMN DAMN DAMN UNFAIR. Yeah, and she got Twilight two days ago when I went with her to bras Basah. Again, unfair. (Don't mind me, I'm turning freakish now.) SO frustrated. Should I get Twilight or the host? Please, if you read my blog, tag me and reply. Thanks alot. Bye
Monday, August 18, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Tagged to do this quiz. Well yeah, for the sake of it. 1. Do you have healthy relationships. Yeah. It's pink, by the way. 2. How independent are you? I sure know how to brush my teeth. 3. Are you prejudiced. Yes, in a sense. 4. Do people like you? Stupid question. I'm not Edward Cullen. 5. How real are you? Flesh, blood and all.. 6. How cluttered is your mind? Very. Since the night of memorizing idioms. 7. Are you an optimist or pessimist? Well, is both an acceptable answer? 8. How emotionally mature are you? Not sure, I don't hook up just anyone. 9. How honest are you? I don't steal. 10. How open minded are you? For all I know, my mind is in my skull. Enclosed. Done! Thank you for not wasting more than 5 minutes of my life. A lot. Tis the best quiz I've ever done.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008
Back again for once in a very long time. Sorry. I've already got Breaking Dawn from Alison, great. But my mum says to wait till the price drops and I can get one for myself. And when is it? Next three months. Right. I'm so SO tired!! Been doing intense studying these days. Common tests start tuesday. Very rushed, really.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Aw, sheesh. I still have to wait till tomorrow for Alison's Breaking Dawn. Okay, tomorrow might not be such a long time away from now-just about nine more hours, but still, when I've already read Eclipse four times, time matters. Huh.. There's no stock for Breaking Dawn at Tiong! Went there all the way yesterday and in the end, I got Linkin Park's CD. I dunno which one, but turned out quite alright. Heavy rock. Right. Twilight the movie is coming out on December the twelth 2008, in the US. This really sucks. It's coming to theatres in Singapore next year January. The site is at Go catch a preview. I'm sure you would like it. Or maybe go check out the one and only Stephenie Meyer, at
Thursday, August 07, 2008
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