Thursday, September 25, 2008
omg!!!!!!!! someone actually responded to my ad! I think I'm gonna get a giant puppy soon!!!!!!!!I can't believe it!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
I haven't been posting for quite awhile, I know. But there's so much studying nowadays that I don't even get the chance to read. Nevermind I'm posting now aren't I? Huh ,I really dunno what to say. It's just boring old studying and books and all.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Here are a list things I wanna do when I get rich. 1. Buy a horse. 2. Learn horse jumping and dressage. 3. Visit Japan. 4. Buy an iPod. 5. Buy a big house? 6. Learn japanese. I think that's all I can think today, There will be more.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Just studying today . ytd went with my family go celebrate Lantern festival at Hort Park . Total abt like 30+ people . Some of my good friends also went too . cause their parents were my parents good friends . lawl , we are finally meeting again . It has been long ... and we haven't been talking much , but ytd we were playing like CRAZY Play th seesaw so mad , until now my butt still pain ;D Dhen play play play until 10+ at night we all go home . Andre and his parents came to my hse , and then watch tv&stuff until 1+ . He was trying to act as th seven pm show tht yufan , th sissy , then damn funny ! He should go join mediacorp -.- anw , thts abt all ii gotta say .
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Form teacher's already in class . uhm , someone tag ?
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
Damn tired la . ii think slept for 2 hr just now :D:D:D to make up for my past few days sleep loss . Until now still haven't finished homework , so need cheong some more . lawl ;D Maybe end year want join crezawards ? Dance or singing ii still dont know . just know that ii wanna sleep NOW . any moment now im gonna bang my head on th keyboard . So well , Bye !
Monday, September 08, 2008
Feeling damn sick . ii think need go home . Now th history teacher talking with th class , no , chatting . And so for th past 1hr havent even started teaching lol . Stupid la , do th podcast project ): damn boring , so smsing with David , he also damn bored in class . th worst thing is tht counsellor evrywhr . Even not counsellor also kay poh . So its irritating . Use phone also must bet with my life . th class damn noisy . it's like how yenyi told me : 说好听 , 很热闹 . 说难听 , 很吵闹 .
Monday, September 08, 2008
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Ooh , today in th morning called yenyi , but couldn't get through ! So frantic , my parents ask me faster . So ii called her mum like twice , thn in th end she wake her up . yy say dont want go church . So met her after church lorr . At great world , at first dont know how go , then my dad suggested all go eat thr . loll , everybody go eat thr for my sake (: met yenyi and her 2 friend , ii think they were vivian and michael if im not wrong . Tht vivian also chio bu loll ! her friends were very funny :D And very easy to get along with . Unlike c3 .. anyway , then went to cold storage buy some snacks to sneak in . just nice , by 3.15 reach th cinema , th commercials ending . Movie was Make It Happen , very nice , about dancers , but th movie was quite short . btw , yenyi mentioned tht vivian & michael was a couple . Thought she was joking at first , then noticed their behavior , and it was actually quite true , still abit confused though :D after tht went to that cd shop . tht one lahh ! looked through th cds , michael was looking for r21 but th highest rating was only m18 . loll , he suggested go ask th counter , got any r21 shows , then dropped th idea . ii guess they only sell pirated ones . then for quite long flipping through th disc , got one staff come and ask if we need help (= thn go back to queensway look for yy's shoebag . on th bus michael damn sick . they were talking about cutting hair . So it went somethn like tht : Yenyi : Everytime ask yuhui cut hair how short , then say 1 inch . Michael : my god , tht is so wrong . Yenyi : Ohh , thn wht 3 inch , no 9 inch . Michael : 20 inch , give th maximum pleasure mahh . Oh my God , ii almost died laughing . bought shoebag thn walked to anchorpoint . michael and vivian walked back first . thn yenyi and ii go meet her parents . After dinner walked to my grandmother house , then my dad go fetch me from thr . Now very tired and still haven't finished homework ! Bye
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Friday, September 5, 2008
Today is really th best day of my life ! :D:D In th morning met YenYi , like usual , under my house . Maam called again to tell us meet her at ten , So YenYi bought a drink ( ii think grass jelly ) then we went up to my house . Used th computer for a while , then went to school to meet maam . Maam called , say she lost her laptop ! We ran up to staff room and try to help her find . Went around th whole staffroom Couldn't find until YenYi opened one drawer and found it ! Damn funny , someone helped maam keep her laptop . Maam said shd at least write a note to tell her , YenYi was like , then people will know th laptop is in th cupboard . Damn funny (: After tht helped maam , freda , Ian create blog . All th while we were signing in and out of cbox , blogger and gmail ! My eyes almost popped out . Then Ms Choo came , maam said she likes her hair , asked her whr she went to do it . Then she gave maam a member card . Said her haircut and perm was like , $364 after 20% discount . I was like , $364 , oh my God , softly to yy . But ii think she heard . Then say 'my reaction was exactly th same' . :D:D And Ms Tan came too . Maam asked her for anothr member card loll ! After that maam realised , she actually looked ok in her current hairstyle . Then lolll , returned th cards back again ! Haha , we were laughing like mad . after tht finished all the stuff and thn went . Waited for bus 970 for quite long , and maam was like , if th bus doesn't come in 1minute , Im going to take cab . and the bus really came ! lolll , we should try tht sometime . thn took to Great World , we went Kenny Rogers for lunch . Damn ex , one meal ii saw cost $49 . maam ordered half a chicken for me and yy to share . plus potato and veg , thn two ice teas . maam had half a chicken , macaroni , fries ! Pro lahhh .. th two glasses of tea was contaminated by all three of our saliva , Im not saliva conscious u know , so dont give me tht face ,ashley in total cost 29 ++ Thanks maam , your th best teacher in th world, u give us so much more than we will ever deserve , WE LOVE YOU MAAM !!!! thn finished and went starbucks to mark worksheets , after tht went to Harris , maam went to buy a magazine , and then she went back home first . me and yenyi 'iceskated' on the floor for a while , while window shopping , thn took a bus to the library . at first thn met her friend joshua there . did her homework , then went home , on th way home took loads of pictures ! and thn went back to my hse , need return money to yy , but in the end send her home and realise i havent return her th money ! LOLLL.. I love maam and yy so very much !!!!!! BYE! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Friday, September 05, 2008
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Im sick and tired of all th homework and stress . Why can't anyone just let me rest for a moment ? Alot of people are seriously stressing me out , and they don't even know it . Especially th teachers . All th homework and shit . We have a life ! Why can't they stop crapping for a while and stop giving hell of th homework . With exams coming nearer , homework is a big problem , and it certainly isn't helping . ughh , feel like ramming my head into th wall now .
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Not yet halfway through homework . I'm feeling very sick now . Got a bad headache . So maybe I'm just going to try sleep it off . All th shit . ii am damn congested . Copying th stupid book review now . Very pissed off becos of all th homework .
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Hello . Doing homework now . ii have so much homework ! Every single subject there's at least 1 homework . But ii have to finish it by today in order to go help maam on fri . Cheonging and cheonging . Alot of my friends have alr finished . So sad . Still have to go learn how to make agar agar for the home ecs practical . Ok , ii think better make th folio first , cos its th easiest one right now . Ok bye ! :D
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Nice day in school
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
This morning met yenyi at around 9 at my house . Then we went to school , couldn't find maam . Th gaurd said she didn't see maam in school . So yenyi called her and we found out tht she was still at her home ! So we waited for quite a while at the 196 bust stop . Then maam called again and said tht she would be late for another half hour . So we just went up to my house and then sing some songs . Loll ! I'm not being childish ! We did tht cause we were damn bored . And maam finally told us to go back to school . Helped her upload some videos for her blog . It was quite slow . We listened to music while uploading . At abt 12.30 maam gave us some money ( though we did try our best to reject ) to go tiong to eat . And then also bought the curry puff frm old chang kee for her . Long queue . Yenyi bought th peach-green tea bubble tea . Was nice thought ii never heard of ths flavor before . Went back to school and contnd uploading videos . Maam let us listen to her iPod Touch . It was damn cool . She said it costed abt $400-$500 ? So ex . But th quality's very good . After tht we finished all th stuffs and went to nearby th swimming complex th housing area to play table tennis and volleyball . Started raining for quite a while so yenyi , wei jian , yew heng , jun wei and me went to th void deck at wei jian's house . It was really tall , so we played volleyball first . After a while we got bored and started playing captain's ball . Th team who lost treated everyone to drinks . ii think yew heng and jun wei picked up $100 from the ground or sth , heard from them . So though me , yy and jun wei's team lost we still got free drinks . Damn fun , then we played "floor tennis" . Like table tennis on the ground . Yenyi said it was like singapore was so pathetic tht we didn't even have table tennis table to play on . So played for quite long and we all sweated like crazy . In th end like abt 6.20 we went home . Stupid lahh they , leave me to find my own way back ( yenyi u aren't included in th 'they' , don't worry . Reached home at arnd 6.40 and my parents were all at home alr . So bye ! I'm really tired , and ii haven't bathed yet . Eww , ii stink .
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Went to have dinner with Ms Lau yesterday at Chinatown. Had steamboat. Ruiying, Jeslyn, Gene, Wei Ren, Wei Jian and Clarence went. Then we had two tables. That waitress actually believed that Wei jian was primary four?! I ate very little, too full. They were talking so loudly that the people there kept on laughing at u and Clarence was just there gorging on his- what was that? Seafood I think. Genevieve, Wei Jian, Ms Lau, Wei Ren and Jeslyn were shouting so loudly that Ruiying was like, I don't know them. That gene was damn vulgar that more people started eyeing us. Then we saw two gays and one weird woman. Her hair was pinned with so many pins that it looked as if pins grew out of her head instead of hair! After eating we agreed to go to karaoke. At first I thought we were going to kbox but Ms Lau brought us to a small ktv lounge. the bad thing was that the songs were all old. The good thing was that there were very little people. I think the owners of the shop didn't like us alot, the way they saw us shout. one said, don't drop the mike! Another said, don't press the screen too fast!... Then sang a couple of english and chinese songs. Ms Lau sang two cantonese songs. Very tired by then, at about 9.15 we back. Clarence and Jeslyn went with Ms Lau to catch a bus and me, Wei ren, ruiying, weijian and Gene took the Mrt back. Genevieve, I think she got drunk from the fruit punch, asked us if we could all take the mrt with her all the way to taopayoh and back. So we were seperated, and by the time I reached home, met my dad downstairs and we went to fetch my mom from work. End of story.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
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