Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Yesterday since my cousin was flying off to Japan, I borrowed a whole bag of movies and dramas from his house. Currently I am watching Meteor Garden 2. I finished part 1 quite a while ago. This drama is quite old, but I still think F4 is really cool, like the best band ever before Fahrenheit came along. They split up for quite some time already. I hope they get back together:D I'm so tired from all the housework. I swept the floor, mopped the floor, ironed and folded all the clothes after washing them and cooking lunch. So, I think I'll just nap for awhile. Bye
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Today's last day of school. I wonder why they put it on a thursday.. Anyway, went with my dad to meet Ms Ang just now. Not as bad as I thought it would be, actually. At least I didn't get scolded or anything. And Ms Ang gave me a really cute bookmark, thanks! XP Sorry Jess I didn't stay back to tell you I would be leaving first. When I was walking out I saw Gi Won with her friend going to the gate with all her stuff, and jiaying also told me there ouldn't be art club spring cleaning today. My fingers are all full of blisters from all the chalk rubbing in the hall earlier this morning, and I've got a really bad headache, like one I've had for a few days. Really sick the past few days, and almost everyday I had to find Ms Ang to sign the form so I can go home. On the last day I think she got quite pissed and told me I was not allowed to go home earlier anymore. (Wow, I haven't posted in such a long time and everything just gushes out now. I mean, like 2 months?) As for the chalet, I most probably won't be going since my health isn't so good recently. (Should be a valid reason right?) At first we had to pay ten bucks even if we weren't going, which is by the way damn unreasonable, but now they let us reimburse our money. Poor Jess, she needs to go around pressing us for forms. And my poor tablet too. I think I dropped it the last time and now I can't even switch it on. Today the TA wasn't even open, so I couldn't get it fixed. Which means I have to stay tabletless for the rest of the holiday, totally saddening. I think I shall end here to catch the nine pm show! Bye.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
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