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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

四年前一个自恋的女生用一视频摄影头发现了自己, 于是她感到了自拍的魔力。
三年前这个自恋的女生拿着数码DC到处拍下自己与生活, 放在电子相册里。于是有了虚拟人气。

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Monday, February 16, 2009

今天一整天又是打个哈欠, 又再偷懒了。上了美术课又上华文课, 真是累死。老师一点儿也没发现, 我逼真地盯住时钟, 他到了天塔下来都不怎么注意到, 可真是厌烦 。
沈老师写的草字大家都看不懂, 虽然提起, 她似乎没察觉到。
我: 老师, 写着整齐点儿的字好不好?
老师: ...
受不了了, 想早点睡。

Monday, February 16, 2009


Monday, February 16, 2009

Monday, February 9, 2009

Finished my letter :D
haiss.. i still havent finish my sculpture painting. cuz got not enough colors.
Today Ashley seems weird, but not in a bad way. She keeps on hugging me. loll. thn do compo again! I write damn short, 1 and half pages only. lol heck care la. the teacher was like, complain caomplain abt how much we talk. lol then i played the drink water game with ming en :D she was like bloated at th end.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Friday, February 6, 2009

oh.my.god. I actually forgot to buy the Crezawards ticket! But nevermind, I think it's better I didn't go. As usual, Josephine got in again. She already signed up for the past 3 years! Pro man..
Whatever, I'm just gonna go to the ballet with Clarice next tuesday. Or is it next next tuesday? Today was damn tiring. We ran mass run in the morning, then the pe teacher made us run again for 15 minutes non stop. After running we played floorball and I got whacked on the leg, so now my leg is like, damn pain. Everybody got whacked on the leg becuz most of them swung the stick so high, so I was hit at like, full blast. Anyway, I just got another comission! Thanks Clarice! Then I can pay for the ballet.

Friday, February 06, 2009