Wednesday, July 29, 2009
On the bus I got a tap on the shoulder and someone asked me if 'I was going to school' and if 'I had breakfast'. Vexed. We didn't play volleyball today, much to my disappointment. Instead we RAN to the YOG centre for some weird game. Nevermind, too lazy to blog about it. tzy got angry with us today and sent us back from the faraday room to our class, and in the end we got another 15 mins of free period. I don't mind though. At least I get to read the teenage workbook (continuation of the teenage textbook). I still think the first book was funnier. Example : Students of the opposite sex were rolling their eyes at their peers. And most of those students caught their eyes and rolled them back with equal interest. Hilarious, no? I bet you didn't laugh la. Anyway 970-ed home with ming en. Bus rides and waits are seemingly interesting with her. Don't laugh at me I tell you. Especially people from 2C3. Not at her either. You'd better not. Stalker update: 0 attendance. His friend waited for him everyday and poor guy, was he disappointed. -Yuxuan
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
I'm really confused now.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Back from a tiring and 'eventful' day. Good things first, my stalker wasn't at the mrt today, which allowed me to peacefully complete 'Handle with Care'. Secondly, we had mass dance, not mass run. Okay, now it doesn't matter whether it rains or not. Thirdly, I actually have a secret admirer. Not that secret, but still. I won't tell. If you think you know, you don't. And please don't ask me. Went out with Ashley for lunch at tiong. We were eating at kfc when these two guys came and sat behind us. Grey shirt guy went to buy his food and white shirt was studying. Ashley noticed that white shirt kept on turning back, especially when she said that 'her future boyfriend must be muscular, but okay, not that muscular'. lol. I was crapping away and didn't realise that she was trying to tell me white shirt kept staring at us. She was so mad at him that she wanted to throw my wallet at him. So we left immediately after I finished my drink in case Ashley got too agitated and dumped her drink on him. Walked up to popular to get some stuff, and Ashley, again, wanted to go back to KFC and punch him. And also thus to prove that 'you will get walloped for staring'. She eventually resisted that temptation and we got back to the mrt. From there we started playing a game everybody does, whether consciously or sub-consciously: look at everybody and start rating them by a scale of 1 to 5. If that someone gets a 6, it means he/she can go sign up for mediacorp. Sadly, the highest scorer during the trip from tiong back to queenstown, was only 4. And we were being generous already. I wanted to rate him 3.7 but Ashley successfully persuaded me into giving him a 4. In the mrt we graded the entire carriage 1. The 4 was the only exception. Ashley was scutinizing people after I left at queenstown all the way to boon lay. But seriously, just looking at guys from queenstown to boon lay doesn't give you the total percentage of cute guys in singapore. lol. So here I am. And I've just finished watching The Teenage Textbook Movie. Chung Kai, I've realised, is alot cuter than Thomas De Cruz, which totally contradicts the book, since Kai is Mr Average and Thomas De Cruz is supposedly Tom Cruise Junior. Bye (I'm afraid of meeting someone tomorrow and that person is not my stalker) -Yuxuan
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Just got back from school. Had geog and english test today. MS told us settlement would be included, but in the end, after we mugged like crazy for it, it wasn't. And some hwa chong friend just tagged me in a photo. The reason I'm in there is because there's another guy called Yu Xuan, soyeah. Ohwells. I have a stalker. This guy from acs I think? He follows me everyday at 6.30 from my block to the mrt. Then he would sit on the seat beside me no matter where I sit. His friend arrives at 6.40 everyday and then they would start talking and laughing pretty loudly. Occasionally he will turn and glance at me. I'm already kinda pissed since he does that everyday. Wth. And there was one time when he was in the lift with me and I was just, omg, weird, cause he keeps standing near me. If the doors didn't open in 20 secs, I swear I would have screamed. Going for cell now. -Yuxuan
Friday, July 24, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Blogger was screwed yesterday for me. Couldn't post. Today was kinda short, like only until 12.30. And today's the eclipse, which explains why it rained so heavily and why two teachers came at the wrong time. I think. After school went to Tiong with Sneha and Simin. From Redhill to tiong we were debating on whether to go to rainbow centre or not. It ended up with an argument on who was crazier, but nevermind about that stuff. So we ate at kfc. Simin was complaining about sneha's indecisiveness and how slow she eats, and Sneha was complaining that simin ate alot. lol. I was the very entertained audience they had, excluding the baby with the freaky smile sitting at the other table. Seriously, it doesn't seem to be able to stop smiling. I wonder if it's tired. After that we went Popular to look for some stuff, and in the end spent like, one hour or so looking for a goddamn notebook. Okay, maybe that was Sneha. I was waiting for the lady to finish unpacking the screamcity foolscap, which, conveniently, was right at the bottom. I spent quite alot actually. And I have to go running with my sis later. Ugh. -Yuxuan
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Hello (: We are currently enjoying our supposedly 'free periods'. It's computer lesson, but seriously, who cares?
Monday, July 20, 2009
omg, have some really retarded tags to reply ._.
aaron: lol I ACCIDENTALLY touched his thigh and pretended I didn't know hahahha. xuehui: (: (x LOOSIN,: Hello (: imy <3 To Joshualim&chngweiliang: NOT FUNNY OKAY.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
I was standing beside the cjc guy i molested in the bus lol. Then he keep on looking and I think he remembered so it was damn awkward! I think the reason we keep on standing beside each other almost everyday is because we keep on letting others board first ._. Actually it's also better, since if you get in the last, you'd be standing near the door.
The presentation was, how can I say, wow? I'm not being boastful or anything but I realise I keep improving! :D I can now talk without stuttering and looking down at the floor, and Mrs Mok can actually hear me from behind. The first half of the day was practically free period. Our pe teacher didn't come (which means omg I didn't get to play my long awaited volleyball -.-), and our geog teacher came in at the last minute to tell us he won't be available. Math test was well, okay I guess. I didn't know how to do one question though. AND AMBER DIDN'T RETURN ME MY CURVE RULER SO I HAD TO DRAW MY PARABOLA WITH FREE HAND UGHH. nevermind (: -yuxuan Trip over love, you can get up. Fall in love and you fall forever.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
The same as usual, and I'm damn pissed that we're not having pe tomorrow. Cause I waited for one whole week and in the end we still don't get to play volleyball. I bet my class must be super happy lol. And guess what, our english project- body modification. Didn't we get enough of self-mutilation already? I'm actually suppossed to state the GOOD points of body piercing, which totally grosses me out. Have you heard of tongue splitting? There you go.
We are supposed to present by tomorrow (as stressed by Clarice xxxx ps. I don't wanna get punched for saying somebody's surname), and it'll be graded. Wth. I haven't even looked for the newsmaker article. Which means if I don't do it by tonight, someone's gonna kill me tomorrow. So I really think I should stop posting now and get on with my stuff. Thanks for listening. -Yuxuan-
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
Light the way was WOAH! OMG IT RAWKED (: Was really super cool with all the lights and everything :D We all really enjoyed it, and I really think it was too short! But everything was just, WOAH. The atmosphere was wonderful, and the whole church was damn enthu! Even the fourth floor had to be opened that day. I guess there was about 9000 people that day? And it was RECORDED. omgomg they should do this every year! On stage were Pastor Pacer, the three singers as usual and also brother Douglas. All the songs were really touching and we also had this super mad MC who said wlao on stage hahahaha (: All the speedlighters were standing in front and the place was really packed to the brim! We were all given light sticks- Blue for the first floor, green for second floor, yellow for third floor and red for the fourth. Wow I believe God visited us in a really special way that night. All the electric guitars, drums, bass and choir was BEAUTIFUL! *Mad and uncontrollable applause. hahaha. The first half were mostly fast songs beginning with Testify for Christ and one song I really liked- Humble Worshipper. In the middle they took a break and we sorta played games? Hahahaha the MC was superbly entertaining; we didn't even want to go to the toilet thought I really had to go ._. Then the second half comprised of mostly slow songs, and I must say, we could really feel God's presence in the sanctuary. Songs like Running the Race, Light the Way, and The Anthem, where we danced like lunatics!! It ended with tithing and prayer and after that went for supper with my parents church friends. In fact, though I've been mugging in school for an entire day, I felt really revitalized after the event! Oh yeah, and before that met Mei Xin and shiyun at jp and we watched 20th Century Boys. Was kinda late for church though ._. But nevermind the show was a little scary that's all. (I'm not good material for horror, even of small capacities.) BYE THEN (: I HOPE THERE'LL BE SOMETHING LIKE THIS NEXT YEAR!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
okay uhm, went for class outing with like only 10 people ._. jes,ahbee,joel,khalil,jonas,yy,junwei,shiman,freda&me. lol. went cycling at ecp, ate at macs & blabla. then fuck I lost my phone there. shiman got missing when we were cycling , then almost like 1 hour already. cycle until changi and back like 3 times, in the end still couldn't find her. then she was at the rental shop. then played ard until quite late, ate at subway, went bowling. lol jonas perfect score :/ 0,0,0,0,0,0,0 then i forgot. lol. then cab home with jonas,joel&khalil. junwei went with the girls hahaha. find taxi find like shit la. then got scolded cause of my phone and cause i went home late ._. nvm byes. (phew)
Monday, July 06, 2009
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