Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Sex ed was, should I say, disappointing. It was the exact same stuff from last year! With the only exception that this year's pda talk was much noisier. Maybe it's because this year the students feel more comfortable screaming at the teachers even though the teachers have told them at least 8 million times to shut up. In a nicer way of course. You just don't hear teachers (especially in cgs) saying shut up. One of the worst feelings you could ever have is the superb ultimate combination of boredom and hunger. I mean, being bored is bad enough. And suddenly, you feel your stomach growling like nobody's business. Thus, the third feeling is born: irritation. Especially when SOMEBODY reading John Grisham is totally ignoring you, anger occurs. Naturally. youknowwho, I know you don't read my blog, but I'm just lamenting. Finally at 1230 we go off. Boredom doesn't stop at 1230 though. But at least my hunger did.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Recently my speed of reading increased like crazy. For some crappy reason that I myself am unsure of. I mean for the past few months I've been slacking in the area of reading and now I finish 2 books in 3 days. Used to like spend 2 weeks reading Jeffery Archer. Some random books I got off the shelf in a rush: 1. Queen of Babble: In the Big City (Finished. Jess advises me not to read the third book, but after reading the last sentence of the second book, I am totally unsatisfied.) 2. Queen of Babble: Big Mouth, Big Heart, Big Problems (Most readable book I've ever read. I'm not kidding, and please don't look at me like that.) 3. Dream Wheels (I like the cover! Just starting on it. More of literary and the words are just going into my brain and coming out the same way.) 4. Lost (Hmm. Seemed kinda interesting so I borrowed it. With hope, it's worth the read.) and am confident of finishing by the end of the week. That is, if I'm not forced to do the laundry, sweep and mop the floor, cook dinner, clean up the mess my dog made in the kitchen, clear up my rubbish dump room cum storeroom and do reflections.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
2389 Rained quite heavily this morning then I thought no mass run. In the end there was still pe T.T Lucky didn't get scolded by ms tee. Just said like saw wrong time table. Haha XD the good thing about even-odd week timetable. Damn boring la! Sit there for like half hour never do anything. Kailing got sick. Then brought her to g.o, ask for personnel signature and stuff. Ran alot, but at least better than sitting there and doing nothing. school ended at 1230. After school went tiong with piggy and bella. to celebrate bella's belated birthday, which was like yesterday. hehe kinda late, but Happy Belated Birthday Bella ~ Good luck and do well in FYEs ok?
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
Only one word to describe what I'm feeling now. SIAN
Friday, October 02, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
2394 HAPPY CHILDREN'S DAY (: Kay, think that's it.
Thursday, October 01, 2009
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