Friday, January 29, 2010
RUGBY WAS FUNNNNN :D Coach (I forgot what's her name oops :x) damn friendly. And actually young better la, more energetic. The malay coach abit strict but still okay la :D But so sad! Next training will be 2 weeks later... But the training hours will increase which is damn cool! (: like from 3-6 pm Lol so I have to kinda stay back like 4 days a week o.o and the competitions start in april, but still okay, cuz our common test over liao. Anw alot of ppl 'stole' the crystals from our chem spa xD hahaha I kept one big one too. But we made it so we feel damn attached to it liao!! And this weekend I have to buck up with my amath. I got 15/25! So sad... And I'm totalli stuck with my homework. Got so many qns I dunno how to do! The teacher also la, she dunno how to teach de. (lol im like shifting the blame) but it's true what! Nobody understand what she say in class lor! but nvm I'll just try to figure it out myself then T.T
Friday, January 29, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Got highest for emath test! (: Like the first time I ever gotten first in class in sec sch -.- hahaha :D I think alot ppl in our class have random mood swings o.o they will choose to suddenly ignore u de... then when they happy they talk to u. kim started singing in class today ?! okay la, after sch ended, but there were still classes next door! n I didn't know ppl in our class actually like JJ! like so shock, i was like, u listen to linjunjie?! oh and thank God I passed amath, but i think i still wanna go for remedial.. just borderline pass.. n i have rugby tmr! Damn scary, I hope the coach not that young heh :x if not young then very energetic then make do more pt -.- im assuming la lol. got mass run tmr T.T how the hell am i gonna survive rugby!!! good la amber gonna sit in for the training, then can help me jiayou :D okay, got one whole mountain of homework, I still haven't bathe... k bye :D
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
Today was a short day ba.. Nothing much the only subject I enjoyed was pe. I realise that actually art club has alot of stuff to do! It's like categorized into 3 sections: Duty, Priority and On-going. Which is CRAZY! We have like 11 projects on hand now! And actually I don't really wanna do the google logo thingy. Cuz like they're using singapore as a theme, and everything is overrated! So I randomly came up with a funny idea of using singlish. and Ms.Goh said it was good -.- Ow.. My ear still hurts from today morning, and I dunno what's wrong with it. hahaha random (: But actually I might feel like I'm gonna die soon, but there are many people worse off than me. I feel like a jerk for pitying myself, when other people are in worser situations than me. But I still can't get over the sim card thing, cuz I know my mom's gonna kill me, then I have to rebuild that trust all over again, when it's not my fault... It's so unfair I have to be dragged down like this... But nevermind, I'll just try to stay alive. JC's waiting for me!! Okay, I'm gonna slack and emo. Bye world.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
My eyes are gonna close soon... But for the sake of keeping my blog alive, I will post! (I need toothpicks for my eyelids) Well past week was tiring, lots of homework! And also lots of scoldings for not finishing homework o.o Got the most scolding from my chi teacher. But I still like her alot hahaha :) So far 3S2A still rocks, and erm.... I got in touch rugby!!! hahaha :D Which means I will exercise like what, 5 times a week?! inclusive of touch, volleyball, jogging, swimming & bball omgawd. And the person beside me kinda stressing me out :( classmates will know who she is I dont wanna mention names. I keep getting affected by her bad temper! Then I like, cannot concentrate much.. Even ss graded assignment today epic fail! I wrote what mr poon told us not to write: to a large extent T.T and the person beside me keep saying that cannot write, and I feel damn f-ing pissed. Hope I dont get scolded by him D: Emath test sucked also. I didnt even finish the paper. But at least I got my stuffs organised liao. Everything more in order. Well. Except. My hcl pian zhang shang xi. Its like chinese lit man!! I shall do tmrw, (though Im supposed to pass up by today haiz..) nvm hope teacher dont scold also if not I die.. Tired ald so I wanna pig now. Bye peeps. Jay is so tired of everything...
Friday, January 22, 2010
Monday, January 4, 2010
First day of school! i realli dont feel like a sec 3. Like suddenly damn old la. in de morning was horrendous. we had 4 rounds of intro! by de 3rd round every1 was like, aiya i noe liao la. But my new classmates ROCK (: dey r all so lovable hahah! So much more nicer den de previous year's. but anyway, i just found out 2day dat i dont realli noe wat combi im taking! oh no! i thought i saw pure chem pure bio twice ald, den when we were supposed 2 switch classes 4 chem, ms Goh said i was in combined??! den she say she will check, but realli hope de real 1 is pure chem bio! If not i will be damn sad :( Our form teacher totalli rocks man! still kinda ms ang-ish, but she doesn't talk like a bullet gun. Everytime we see her its like cme hahah! Just like Ms Ang! But she's so nice realli! n i hav 2 go 4 checkup later, 2 get medical form 4 OBS. OBS will be damn cool! hahah. I hav so much hw 2 do now better start cracking! cya (:
Monday, January 04, 2010
Saturday, January 2, 2010
I hav completed exactly 1/2 of my hw! Great achievement 4 me in 1 day hahah! I still hav lit 2 complete. n all de qns r so hard! I dunno how i'll survive pure lit. all de cheem cheem stuff. I hav 2 finish lit by tmrw, although i dun noe when is de 1st lit lesson. we hav 2 pass up on de 1st lit lesson but we never even get de timetable how 2 noe? Chi compo I haven't reached 100o words how?? I hope de teacher wont scold man. I only hav 725 words but really nth 2 write! English compo topic really sucks i dun noe wat 2 write also!! n now i found out i hav math hw also. Im so screwwweeedd!!!!
Saturday, January 02, 2010
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