Friday, February 26, 2010
Eng teacher never come YAY :D Everybody slacking in class lor, nobody bother to mark compre :P But I mark finish liao, since nothing to do. Got touch later (: Can't wait for the jersey hahas.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
So many things happened within 2 days o.o Ytd and today got scolded by hcl tcher, just that today she scold the whole class one by one. The way she say everything makes ppl feel so discouraged. If everyday she lidat, I bet the whole class will drop hcl lor. She's very nice de, but when it comes to discipline n all those shit, I don't like her. Anw tmrw got training. Maybe can destress abit bah. I totally cannot catch up with amath and the tcher is not helping at all lor. She just know how to talk abt her calculators and finish doing her questions, then its the end of her business. I really want amath tuition, but too bad must wait until like june, cuz now no money. Only after I sell my house which can reach like $630,000 lol. That's like 5 room flat price. I should go do the more important stuff now. Byee
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
181th (: Whole class failed hcl except yuchen o.o I wanna drop liao. serious. I'm not gonna waste my time spamming chinese books. somebody u happy luhs. plz try to think before you say anything, cuz u might hurt ppl's feelings okay. what 'good' luhs, so mean D: I didnt pay attention at all in amath trying t do jian bao. wadeva luhs. I am so dropping hcl. GRRR.
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010
First things first HAPPY FIFTEENTH VELVET. Love ur craziness; your random sick jokes; your smile; your laughter; your niceness (: everything luhs babe (: Today was freaking tiring luhs! The amath cher damn idiot loh. crap and crap and crap then like toking to herself lidat. then end up i give up listening to her lesson. pe cher also veri unreasonable :( My rubberband got loose i go tie back again, then she scold me! like wthell luhs! sick of these chers alr luhs! but at least eng diagnostic test cheer me up abit yeah (: 21/30. Though my compo is like effing cheesy. ughhhh. someone is pissed must go cheer him up. buhbyes.
Monday, February 08, 2010
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