Monday, May 31, 2010
Hope tomorrow doesn't rain. It'll be the second last time (I think) I'm meeting baby until the end of june hols. And I thought the holidays would be different. Ohwells. Nevermind. Still have tons of holiday homework and I haven't even started. (Baby I miss you so much)
Monday, May 31, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
I tried, but it's still hard. It's so hard to see all the couples out there who can meet so freely and have all the fucking time they want together. and We have to think through and check so many schedules just to meet for 1 hour.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Emath paper relatively easily thank God (: something really special happened today. While we were doing Sarah's assignment it started to rain. Like alot. And Sarah asked me to do a short prayer for the rain to stop so we could walk to the bus stop. So I just prayed, and never really thought much about it. But 30 seconds later I turned to look at the sky. And the rain was completely gone. There was even hints of the sun. I was so completely amazed. Even such an insignificant prayer, it was important to God. This has taught me that God will answer our prayers even when we least expect it, and sometimes it puts our insincerity to shame. If God answers even such an unimportant prayer as this, what makes you think he wouldn't answer the most important prayers in your life? Beautiful One I love Beautiful One I adore Beautiful One my soul must sing
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
Amazing Love Michelle Fragar And love me more, more than I deserve Who would know, that I was once Your love is pure Your love so divine I’m so amazed at the wonder of all creation Who would know that I was once Your love is so pure Your love so divine I’m so amazed…
Monday, May 10, 2010
Gosh Amath and lit were kinda okay, but amath was freaking hard. Still, thank God (: cus I actually managed to do lit though I didn't study a single bit. I really feel I didn't work as hard for MYEs, as I did common test. I just wasn't motivated enough I guess, and there are much more important things stressing me out. But God gave me a way, and He comforted me in very special ways. Whatever happens, I wanna thank Him, cuz I know He does not plan to ruin our lives. He's just teaching us the hard way when we disobey him time and time again. God puts obstacles in our lives not to hinder us, but to make us stronger. Thanks Xue Hui for this prayer. Was like such a long time ago but I still remember most of it (: So for any difficult things that happen in my life now, I wanna thank God. Because He has made me stronger.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Another crazy day in class ~ & Ermy got away without doing bio section C :O Kim did the graph on her blank paper, and Ms Li told her to use real paper the next time. Ermy: She ask you don't use fake paper. I bought blueberry tea again, which obviously made Kim have spasms.. everytime she sees that bottle, she will go : JAYDENNNN!!!!!*#$#(@ABCDEFGdorehmifahsoh. Sarah came to 'study' after school. okay lah we spent like 2 hours playing piano when we promised at first to stop after fifteen minutes which is really not the point since we obviously have no self control and hence at first we shouldn't have turned on the piano so we wouldn't be stuck there for two hours, thus not finishing the chapter on rivers IN MY GEOG TEXTBOOK OMG IM STARTING TO SOUND LIKE KIMBERLY JOW GOD SAVE ME.
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
Yay I've finally completed my bio text (: Now I'm left with geog, ss, amath, Lit, Chem. Sounds like ALOT but I'm gonna finish everything in time (: Sorry baby, don't mean to be moody everytime u say u will reply me slow, but I'm really so bored!
Monday, May 03, 2010
I waited patiently for the Lord; He turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. Psalm 40 Because of You, I shall not be afraid.
Monday, May 03, 2010
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