Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Met baby twice alr.. ytd and today.. But of course its not enough lah. Really gotta buck up on my revision and holiday homework o.o so many tests coming soon. Ms Lee said if we fail amath test we have to laugh for 1 hour :x baby's phone no batt cnt sms ): anw. Sunday went for Geraldine's wedding. I didn't even know she had a bf and she got married o.o Congratz (: hahah. And sunday was the first time I had 28 braids on my head. friggin scary :o
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
I spent twenty minutes eating a banana.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
I am posting because I am lost in my pile of homework. My sis is currently being lectured by my dad cuz she didn't do much homework and just slacks around the entire day. It's so idiotic when I'm being dragged inside the picture and interrogated about what my sis did in the day and I have no choice but to lie for her cuz I would get beaten up if I didn't. I'm tired of always lying about something she never did. I am entirely sure I will not be able to finish my holiday homework in time. The teachers must be wondering, how one whole month isn't enough for us to finish some small piece of assignment. I, too, am wondering how 9 hours passed so quickly without my noticing and this is also the reason why one month is definitely not enough for us to finish that small piece of holiday homework and everybody has to start cramming all of it at one go at twelve midnight one day before school reopens.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
ARGH HAVEN'T FINISHED HOL HW. So fucking annoying. We wanna enjoy our holidays lor and the teachers just wanna ruin it by dumping 5000 tons of homework on us. I'm staying at my aunt's house now for about two days. Guess I'm not going for training tmr, cus its really too rush from woodlands. Still waiting for baby to come back. Another 6 more days ^^ Can't wait alr. Hope he gained more weight lol. Going to watch the karate kid on the 25th with baby, sarah & shawn (: Then stupid la monday start school liao T.T I'm gonna miss waking up super duper late.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
8th June, Tuesday Went around tiong challenger to look for 1.5TB internal hard drive with baby. Then went all the way to to funan to find again and finally got it. One day seemed to pass so fast. 9th June, Tuesday texted baby in the morning. Got training until 11 damn tired T.T then went home bathe to meet sarah & shawn at dbg talked with baby on phone for 15 mins. before he went on plane. I was damn heavy hearted. I didnt even get to say what I intended to say. Was damn zoned out the entire day. Went lan and stone there for 3 hours while they play. And keep staring my phone, waiting for a message that would never arrive. walk ard again, ate ice cream. then met my family at vivo for dinner. bought slippers. come home and baby havent emailed me. so late alr. my stupid com got prob, have to get it fixed b4 downloading game. one month. if one month is this bad, what about 3 months? Miss baby so much alr.
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
For the most special seven hours of my life, the sunburn was worth it. I'd gladly burn all over again to relish yesterday.
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
today was funnn ~ :D though time passed super fast. We stoned in the water for 3 hours, ate lunch then stoned at the tower for another 2 hours plus haha. I got sunburnt again! Really really enjoyed myself today. Was the best outing I ever had. The weather forecast said there was supposed to be a thunderstorm today, but miraculously the sun was there the entire day (: We should definitely go Sentosa like everyday xD I think this is worth it for not being able to see baby for another month or so. Thank you God, for that rainbow.
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
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